4/01/22. Taking a little break from the surreality of the AI-Generated fever dreams I've been posting lately to give you something that's just kind of nice to look at :P. I've had and been using this pen for a couple months; I got it just because I wanted to be able to use some of these really nice inks more in my every day life. I've been resisting the urge to use it with the pen plotter for mostly silly reasons, but I have upcoming works that require a lot more ink (you may have noticed from my stories), so I decided I should give in and do some tests with it, get an idea of how it plays with robots, and what kind of strokes it really makes. I would be remiss if I didn't admit how *nice* it really is, I definitely plan on using the fountain pen for a lot of upcoming plots. The shading of the inks really come through, which is no surprise; it's the instrument they were actually designed for. I threw this design together really quickly when I was practicing writing some functions for beziers and triangles. Hope you enjoy!
Edition : #1
Seed: #20808
Pens used: 0.5mm, 0.3mm, and 0.2mm rOtring isographs
Inks used: Noodler's Apache Sunset, Akhmatova Green, and Heart of Darkness
Total movement distance: 2059.7113 ft
Time to plot: 7hr, 15min
Number of blades: 209
Number of segments per blade: 344
Sun Size: 8.2804 inches
Start Shape Size: 0.2298 inches
Longest blade: 7.7403 inches
Biggest Sway: 2.8533 inches
Blade Mode: cubic_out, (29.12% likely)
Sway Mode: linear, (50.0% likely)
Wind Roll: 33.3415, (95.0% likely)
Blade Construction: (96.0% likely)
Portrait Roll: 85.9008, (99.0% likely)
The Statistical Unlikelihood of this plot: 13.14593280%