10/15/22. "Drifter", 19"x24". Last month I was on the road with my friends helping sell merch and an art series I had done based on their new album. The band that they were touring with, @dreamwellri, ended up being fucking killers, and all around super cool folks! On our last night together I was inspired and spent some time generating some AI stuff based on their name, and then this week I finally remembered to come back to it. This is going to BQE Fitness later today, the largest gym in NYC, to be displayed for month; along with a bunch of other plots that I've made. It's been really great to have an excuse to do some larger pieces. They're more challenging but so satisfying to do. Hope you guys like it! Oh, and if you want to see the original AI image, it's up on my Patreon!
Edition : #1
Seed: #20808
Pens used: 0.5mm, 0.3mm, and 0.2mm rOtring isographs
Inks used: Noodler's Apache Sunset, Akhmatova Green, and Heart of Darkness
Total movement distance: 2059.7113 ft
Time to plot: 7hr, 15min
Number of blades: 209
Number of segments per blade: 344
Sun Size: 8.2804 inches
Start Shape Size: 0.2298 inches
Longest blade: 7.7403 inches
Biggest Sway: 2.8533 inches
Blade Mode: cubic_out, (29.12% likely)
Sway Mode: linear, (50.0% likely)
Wind Roll: 33.3415, (95.0% likely)
Blade Construction: (96.0% likely)
Portrait Roll: 85.9008, (99.0% likely)
The Statistical Unlikelihood of this plot: 13.14593280%