01/15/23. #Genuary15: "Sine waves". The heart of this sketch is pretty simple, a few noisy walkers creating occluded circles. The size of the circles are mapped to a sine wave. Most of the complexity and depth comes fully from the ink, and the way that it interacts with paper and light. Despite creating sketches to specifically try and exploit the interesting properties of the ink, it's always a fun surprise to see how it actually turns out; I love plotting for the physical properties that mix with the mathematical concepts that govern our world around us. Also, it kind of looks like a sea monster, so that's cool. :D
Edition : #1
Seed: #20808
Pens used: 0.5mm, 0.3mm, and 0.2mm rOtring isographs
Inks used: Noodler's Apache Sunset, Akhmatova Green, and Heart of Darkness
Total movement distance: 2059.7113 ft
Time to plot: 7hr, 15min
Number of blades: 209
Number of segments per blade: 344
Sun Size: 8.2804 inches
Start Shape Size: 0.2298 inches
Longest blade: 7.7403 inches
Biggest Sway: 2.8533 inches
Blade Mode: cubic_out, (29.12% likely)
Sway Mode: linear, (50.0% likely)
Wind Roll: 33.3415, (95.0% likely)
Blade Construction: (96.0% likely)
Portrait Roll: 85.9008, (99.0% likely)
The Statistical Unlikelihood of this plot: 13.14593280%