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Passion's Gale

$ 85.00 USD
"On life's vast ocean diversely we sail, Reason the card, but passion is the gale."
Plots remain
Shirts in this size and style remain.
Pen travel distance:
69.63 meters
Noodler's Heart of Darkness on white bristol paper.
  • Dimensions
    in x
Please input your seed number during order checkout!
Please input your seed number during order checkout!
*This plot was made with archival inks and paper. However, it is best to keep them out of direct sunlight, or behind UV-filtering glass.
*Due to the physical nature of how these plots are created, small variations may occur. This means every plot is completely original, and may not match the picture exactly.
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Your very own art!

$50.00 USD Deposit
"On life's vast ocean diversely we sail, Reason the card, but passion is the gale."
After checkout, please send an email to with your order confirmation number and the image or images you would like me to work on. From there we will come up with the perfect plot for you!
With access to a very specialized, oversized pen plotting robot, I can now make custom art for you all the way up to A1 in size! That's like POSTER big! Prices start at $190 for an 8.5" x 11" portrait, and go up according to the complexity, number of colours, time to design, and time to plot I will need to invest to make the perfect piece for you.
Plots remain
Noodler's Heart of Darkness on white bristol paper.

About the plot:

About the plot:

About the plot:

2/28/22. What an absolutely incredible, relaxing, exciting, adventerous, and fun trip the last week was. My partner and I had the privilege of staying with the most wonderful and gracious hosts on Bonaire, and got to experience so many cool things. Whether it was just hanging out with all the amazing wildlife (so many cool birds and parrots, lizards and iguanas, donkeys, goats, tropical fish), trying out dope new activities like landsailing on blowkarts, snorkeling in caves, getting stung by jellyfish, captaining a boat, or eating and/or cooking lots of tasty new foods like bitterballen and iguana stew, we always had an amazing experience. I feel so incredibly lucky and grateful for the amazing connections I've made in this life and the people I've gotten to share these experiences with. I'm definitely feeling very rejuvenated, despite how odd it feels to be back (and cold). This fun and curious mockingbird was one of the first friends I made on the island, and I was glad to have him popping around all the time checking us out and generally being entertaining company. He was perched just a few feet away from me when I snapped the photo and made this design of him. He was a very handsome fellow, I hope the plot has done him justice!

Edition : #1
Seed: #20808
Pens used: 0.5mm, 0.3mm, and 0.2mm rOtring isographs
Inks used: Noodler's Apache Sunset, Akhmatova Green, and Heart of Darkness
Total movement distance: 2059.7113 ft
Time to plot: 7hr, 15min
Number of blades: 209
Number of segments per blade: 344
Sun Size: 8.2804 inches
Start Shape Size: 0.2298 inches
Longest blade: 7.7403 inches
Biggest Sway: 2.8533 inches
Blade Mode: cubic_out, (29.12% likely)
Sway Mode: linear, (50.0% likely)
Wind Roll: 33.3415, (95.0% likely)
Blade Construction: (96.0% likely)
Portrait Roll: 85.9008, (99.0% likely)
The Statistical Unlikelihood of this plot: 13.14593280%
