11/24/22. Happy Thanksgiving to my friends and family here in the states! I hope everyone, regardless of the holiday, gets to spend some time with family or friends today. Based on the design I had made before it was even actually created, I really liked this galactic kind of imagery of a black hole the shapes created. I think the ink did a better job of being nebulous than I had actually expected. Speaking of which, it was made with a fountain pen ink called 'Chidori Cherry Blossoms, by Ferris Wheel Press. I love the shading properties of this ink, I think the textures it makes are just really beautiful; it almost looks like a cross between a watercolour and an alcohol based ink to me.
Edition : #1
Seed: #20808
Pens used: 0.5mm, 0.3mm, and 0.2mm rOtring isographs
Inks used: Noodler's Apache Sunset, Akhmatova Green, and Heart of Darkness
Total movement distance: 2059.7113 ft
Time to plot: 7hr, 15min
Number of blades: 209
Number of segments per blade: 344
Sun Size: 8.2804 inches
Start Shape Size: 0.2298 inches
Longest blade: 7.7403 inches
Biggest Sway: 2.8533 inches
Blade Mode: cubic_out, (29.12% likely)
Sway Mode: linear, (50.0% likely)
Wind Roll: 33.3415, (95.0% likely)
Blade Construction: (96.0% likely)
Portrait Roll: 85.9008, (99.0% likely)
The Statistical Unlikelihood of this plot: 13.14593280%